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Director, Fund Operations & Responsible Officer



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Elsa manages fund operations and compliance at Saltagen. She is currently a Responsible Officer (CE No.: AWQ265) for Type 9 regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. With over 10 years of experience in AssetManagement and Investment sectors, professionally skilled in portfolio & investment supervision and analysis; investment opportunities and strategies prospect; operational and administrative control; financial and legal due-diligence; and application and compliance matters including correspondence to SFC.

Her previous clienteles included closed-ended funds and listed companies under Chapter 21 Exchange Listing Rules.

Elsa obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, Psychology and Japanese from Monash University of Australia in 2006.


Meet the rest

of the team.

Simon Lai


Joseph Fung

Investment Team, Managing Partner & Responsible Officer

Jason Chiu

Investment Team